Management Recruitment

Have you ever hired someone who didn’t quite fit the company? Do you ever doubt whether this is the right candidate? Does it sometimes seem like there isn’t anyone who is really right for your company?

There are no perfect candidates – but there is a way to find the best candidate for your company, and to find out how you can best integrate and manage them.

The solution is simple: get to really know the candidates – look behind their interview masks. Unfortunately there is no simple checklist for this. But with our years of experience and our in-depth methodology, we can provide you with a glimpse behind the mask, and clear integration and management advice, tailor-made for each candidate.

You decide whether you see yourself working with the candidate (experience personal click) - we give you insights into the deeper motives and tell you what the do's and don'ts are to make a success of this .

94% success rate

Our process is more intensive, we do go deeper, and that is what makes the difference. 94% of our customers and candidates are still very happy with the choice they made a year later. And that's what counts!

Intake (company analysis, job analysis)

We’re not only looking at what you expect the candidate to be able to do in the role, but also what is needed based on the company culture,  the team, the interaction with other departments. …

Creating the job profile

Based on the intake, we create a Competence, Interaction & Motivation Profile, so that we have an aligned understanding of the ideal candidate.

Creating Writing & publishing an effective job advert

We create an ad that matches the ideal candidate’s mindset in terms of content and language, and post it on the most relevant channels, so that we trigger the right people into applying.

First interviews

We meet all the candidates whose CV is relevant to the role in a personal interview, so that we get to the person behind the CV - and we also inform all candidates who were not retained of the status of their application.

Shortlist of relevant candidates

We introduce you to the candidates who match the desired profile best, so that you can choose who you want to meet.

First meeting with the client

Only you can feel whether the 'click' with the candidate is there, and whether you see yourself working with this person.

Assessment of final candidates

We meet the candidates that you have chosen in an in-depth assessment, so that we can give you clear advise on your final choice.

Integration of the final candidate

Having a new colleague join the team, takes some getting used to for everyone involved. During the integration meeting with you and the new joiner, we ensure that the important things for a positive collaboration are discussed.

Attitude and motivation

Of course it is important that the candidate is able to do the job: that that they are smart enough, have relevant experience, ... But what’s even more important, is their attitude and motivation.

Why would you hire a manager who (theoretically) knows how to best manage a team, but doesn’t have the patience to do so? Why hire someone who is motivated by diving into the details themselves, if what you need is a strong people manager?

But how can you assess that?

In an assessment, we evaluate both the relevant work experiences of a candidate, and the underlying levers of behaviour - why does someone do what they do? And why do they do it in this specific way?

In-depth assessment included

We invite the final candidates for an assessment, in which we focus on the underlying levers of their behaviour. Things like:

What motivates someone to take action?

  • How do they build relationships?
  • How do they take ownership or not?
  • How do they build up credibility?
  • What motivates someone - not only in the environment, but also at the level of values ??and norms?
  • When are they in-powered, what can dis-in-power them?
  • In which environment do they perform best?

Integration included

Our process doesn’t stop when the candidate signs. We also support the integration process, to ensure that the important things that are needed for a positive collaboration are discussed between the manager and the new joiner.

Having a new colleague join the team, takes some getting used to for everyone involved. Despite everyone’s best effort, things don’t always go as smoothly as you had hoped. Sometimes you’re faced with a misunderstanding, a heated discussion, something unexpected. We ensure - during 2 integration meetings - that both the core qualities of the candidate, and their related pitfalls are discussed openly between the new employee and his manager, so that no one gets any big surprises in the collaboration: not in the first week, not after a few months – when the honeymoon is over and things have become business as usual again.

Of course over time, a good manager will discover all of this himself - but why would you make things difficult for yourself?